/manager/Index ${session.getAttribute("locale")} 5 Determination of bioavailable arsenic threshold and validation of modeled permissible total arsenic in paddy soil using machine learning /manager/Repository/uon:51944 MTC) was considered as the dependent variable; bioavailable As (BAs), total As (TAs), pH, organic carbon (OC), available phosphorus (AvP), and available iron (AvFe) were the predictor variables. LR performed better than RF and GBM in terms of accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, kappa, precision, log loss, F1score, and MCC. From the better-performing LR model, bioavailable As (BAs), TAs, AvFe, and OC were significant variables for grain As. From the partial dependence plots (PDP) and individual conditional expectation (ICE) of the LR model, 5.70 mg kg−1 was estimated to be the limit for BAs in soil.]]> Wed 28 Feb 2024 15:34:22 AEDT ]]> Response of Iron and Cadmium on Yield and Yield Components of Rice and Translocation in Grain: Health Risk Estimation /manager/Repository/uon:39295 1) and carcinogenic risks (CR > 1.0 × 10−4) increased with increasing Cd levels in the soil. The application of Fe decreased the human health risks from rice consumption which is more pronounced in Fe 2.0 than in Fe1.0 treatments. The rice cultivar grown in soil-1 (pH 4.6) showed the highest health risks as compared to soil-2 (pH 6.6) and the Quest cultivar had lower health risks than the Langi cultivar.]]> Tue 31 Oct 2023 11:13:06 AEDT ]]> Assessment of hypertension association with arsenic exposure from food and drinking water in Bihar, India /manager/Repository/uon:45333 water) along with total exposure (Astotal) and hypertension risks in a study population in Bihar, India, we conducted an individual level cross-sectional analysis between 2017 and 2019 involving 150 participants. Arsenic intake variables and three indicators of hypertension risks (general hypertension, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL)) were derived, and any relationship was quantified using a series of crude and multivariable log-linear or logistic regression models. The prevalence of general hypertension was 40% for the studied population. The median level of HDL was 45 mg/dL while median value of LDL was 114 mg/dL. Apart from a marginally significant positive relationship between As intake from rice and the changes of LDL (p-value = 0.032), no significant positive association between As intake and hypertension risks could be ascertained. In fact, Astotal was found to be associated with lower risks of general hypertension and higher levels of HDL (p-value = 0.020 and 0.010 respectively) whilst general hypertension was marginally associated with lower Aswater (p-value = 0.043). Due to limitations regarding study design and residual confounding, all observed marginal associations should be treated with caution.]]> Thu 27 Oct 2022 09:13:21 AEDT ]]> Bioaccumulation and tolerance indices of cadmium in wheat plants grown in cadmium-spiked soil: health risk assessment /manager/Repository/uon:38961 -1) in agricultural soils. The half maximum inhibitory concentration (IC50) values were 4.21 ± 0.29 and 4.02 ± 0.95, respectively, whereas the maximum health risk index (HRI) was 3.85 ± 0.049 and 5.33 ± 0.271, respectively, for Mustang and Lancer. In other words, the malondialdehyde content increased significantly in Mustang (around five-fold) and Lancer (around four-fold) compared with the control treatment. Results revealed that Cd content was well above the acceptable limit (HRI >1) in the two cultivars when exposed to different levels of Cd stress. The tolerant cultivar (Mustang) has potential to chelate Cd in the nonedible parts of plants in variable fractions and can be used efficiently to improve growth and macro- and micro-nutrients content while reducing Cd concentration in plants in Cd-contaminated soil. It can also diminish the HRI, which may help to protect humans from Cd risks. The two cultivars' nutrient availability and sorption capacity significantly shape their survival and adaptability under Cd stress. Based on what is documented in the current study, we can conclude that Mustang is more tolerant and poses fewer health hazards to people than Lancer because of its capacity to maintain grain macro- and micro-nutrients under Cd stress.]]> Thu 17 Mar 2022 14:21:24 AEDT ]]> Wheat is an emerging exposure route for arsenic in Bihar, India /manager/Repository/uon:42716 Thu 01 Sep 2022 11:33:23 AEST ]]> Arsenic exposure from food exceeds that from drinking water in endemic area of Bihar, India /manager/Repository/uon:38393 Mon 29 Jan 2024 18:44:27 AEDT ]]> Bioaccessibility and speciation of arsenic in children's diets and health risk assessment of an endemic area in Bangladesh /manager/Repository/uon:38254 Mon 29 Jan 2024 18:38:46 AEDT ]]> Risk and benefit of different cooking methods on essential elements and arsenic in rice /manager/Repository/uon:32809 Mon 23 Sep 2019 13:39:40 AEST ]]> Varietal differences influence arsenic and lead contamination of rice grown in mining impacted agricultural fields of Zamfara State, Nigeria /manager/Repository/uon:47379 Mon 16 Jan 2023 13:46:54 AEDT ]]> Arsenic in Peruvian rice cultivated in the major rice growing region of Tumbes river basin /manager/Repository/uon:41080 Fri 22 Jul 2022 17:04:21 AEST ]]>